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Libraries in use

Package management

The pnpm application, known for its speed and compactness, is a drop-in replacement for [npm]( and is compatible with the universal package.json file.

Build tool

The terminal Task application is a runner and software build tool that is a single point for all the functions needed to build the web extension.

$ cd RetroTxt
$ task --list

task: Available tasks for this project:
* build:               Creates the submission package for Chrome.
* checks:              heck, run and print the versions of the task commands and dependencies.
* default:             List the available tasks.
* dep-copy:            Copies the dependencies from `node_modules` over to the `ext` directory.
* dep-install:         Installs both the dependencies and dev-dependencies contained in the package.json.
* dep-update:          Updates all dependencies to the latest version and copies them to the `ext` directory.
* docs-build:          Build the current documentation in use on
* docs-serve:          Run an internal server to view the documentation in `docs`.
* lint:                Lint the JavaScript files in the `ext` directory.


This text and all documentation are in Markdown. The documents are converted into HTML using the MkDocs static site generator, which is geared towards software documentation. The generated HTML is then hosted on GitHub Pages and is available at


Bulma (bulma.min.css) is a lightweight CSS framework used by the Options Page of the web extension. While large at 650 KB, this size doesn't matter when used within a web extension loaded locally by the browser.

Bulma offers logical class naming conventions and extensive and responsive layout theming.

DOM purify

DOM purify (purify.js) is used to sanitize and prevent XSS attacks using innerHTML property values based on text loaded from unknown files and websites.


Linkify (linkify.js) is an optional feature for users to find links within plain text and convert them to HTML anchor link tags. It automatically stresses URLs, social media #hashtags, @mentions, and emails.

While Linkify detects links in plain text, the code uses the linkify-element library to replace links within native DOM elements.

The Linkify IP Address Plugin (linkify-plugin-ip) supports detecting IPv4 and some limited IPv6 addresses.


QUnit (qunit.js, qunit.css) provides unit testing for standalone helper functions and classes within the JS codebase. The coverage for tests could be better, and user interface features of the web extension remain without automated testing.

QUnit has a relatively easy syntax and shows the results of the tests in the browser.

Internal libraries


Ajv (ajv.js) is the JSON schema validator that some other libraries use.


dot-json provides the means to edit a JSON file using the command line. In the code, the library updates the version values of the web extension manifest.json and the package.json package management files.


ESLint finds and fixes problems with the JS code. It is popular within the coding community, and all JS code is valid against it.

ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code, with the goal of making code more consistent and avoiding bugs.

The eslint.config.mjs file configures ESLint to be compatible with the Prettier source code formatting library and support Manifest V3 specific JS features.


Prettier is an opinionated CSS, HTML, JS, and markdown source code formatter. All the default format and syntax settings are in use except for the print semicolumns in the JS option, which is off.


shx allows the running of shell commands in both JS and Node.JS. shx is used to file copy dependencies from the npm node_modules/ package directories to the sub-directories of the web extension.


wawoff2 is a WOFF font converter that runs in the terminal to handle older font packages that do not contain the WOFF2 format that offers better file compression.

All browsers used by the web extension support WOFF2, and the format offers better compression than the older WOFF or TTF. With the large number of fonts used by the web extension, better compression leads to a smaller package size and download.


Web-ext is by Mozilla, the creators of the Firefox browser, and is used to build a compressed zip package that gets submitted to the Chrome and Microsoft web extension stores.

A simple configuration file can be found in .web-ext-chrome.js.

The web-ext command reference is available for more information.