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RetroTxt supports several commands using the address bar, also known as the Omnibox. The commands are triggered using a combination of keywords, and the browser will provide suggestions as you type.

txt is the omnibar trigger keyword

RetroTxt omnibox commands

Omnibox txt samples command
Command Description
txt version Display the RetroTxt version information
txt fonts Open the fonts selections tab
txt display Open the text, ANSI, and color display options
txt settings Open the settings tab
txt documentation Goto the RetroTxt online documentation
txt credits List the credits
txt samples Links and thumbnails of sample ANSI and ASCII artwork to view with RetroTxt
txt useful Links to useful and related websites
txt tests 1 In developer mode, run the QUnit tests
txt reload 1 In developer mode, reload the Extension

  1. Only usable when the browser Extensions configuration has Developer mode toggled.