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Texts stored locally

My text file does not open

Browsers a very inconsistent with the files they will open. If a text file has too many unexpected ASCII control characters, a browser may confuse it as binary file and refuse to open.

Browsers are happy to display files stored locally on your computer. You can drag and drop a text or document to the browser, which will open in a new tab.

The URL of the tab will point to the file path with a file:/// protocol prefix. Windows also includes a drive letter.

A local file URL
A local file URL
A local file URL

RetroTxt will work with any local file URL but needs to be given this permission using the Manage extension menu.

To access this, right-click the RetroTxt toolbar button and select Manage extension.

Chrome manage extension

The RetroTxt button pinned to the toolbar

Scroll down to and enable Allow access to file URLs under Permissions.

Now, RetroTxt will monitor any local text files opened in the browser!

Chrome allow access to the file URLs

Allow access to the file URLs